Rambutan fruit (Nephelium sp.)
original fruit indonesia


   Rambutan (Nephelium sp.) Is a horticultural crops such as fruit trees with family Sapindacaeae. This tropical fruit crops in English is called Hairy Fruit from Indonesia. Until now it has spread outside in tropical regions such as the Philippines and other countries of Latin America and is also found on the mainland that has a sub-tropical climate.


   Based on the survey that was conducted there were 22 types of rambutan from either pure or results of grafting or merger of the two types with different strains. The characteristics that distinguish each type of fruit rambutan views of the nature (of the flesh of the fruit, water content, shape, color, length of hair). From a number of types of rambutan rambutan above just a few of the popular varieties cultivated by selecting people and relatively high economic value such as:

   1.Rambutan Rapiah fruit is not too heavy but high quality fruit, colored green-yellow-red-haired little uneven with sparse, sweet flesh and a little dry, chewy, ngelotok and thick flesh, with the durability to achieve 6 days after picked.
   2.Rambutan Aceh Lebak Bulus tall trees and dense fruit with the average yield per tree 160-170 tie, red fruit peel yellow, smooth, sweet-sour taste of fresh water and plenty of power savings ngelotok 4 days after picking, the fruit is resistant in transportation.
   3.Rambutan Cimacan, less dense fruit with an average yield per tree belt 90-170, colored yellowish red to dark red, coarse hair, and rather rare, sweet, slightly watery but less resistant in transport.
   4. Rambutan Binjai which is one of the best in Indonesia and the fruit is quite large, with a blood red color to dark red hair is rather coarse and sparse fruit, sweet with a little sour, not thick as aceh lebak hasilbuah machinations but ngelotok flesh.
   5. Rambutan sinyonya, rambutan this type of dense fruit and much liked, especially the Chinese, with strong stems suitable for grafted, dark red fruit skin color to red wine, with silky hair and tight, sweet fruit taste sour, lots of watery, mushy and not ngelotok .
   In Indonesia rambutan fruit crops purposely cultivated for its fruit that have utilized nutrient, starch, a type of sugar that is easily dissolved in water, protein substances and amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, essential and nonessential, vitamins and macro minerals, micro- a healthy family, but there are also people who use as temporary shade trees in the yard, as an ornamental plant.

In Indonesia, which became centers of cultivation in Java, especially rambutan is a very large production of fruits such as rambutan in Bekasi, Kuningan, Malang, Probolinggo, Lumajang and Garut.


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