Showing posts with label ELECTRONIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ELECTRONIC. Show all posts

The Smartphone


Long Live the Smartphone

   Thanks to this clever device we can out maneuver virtually any predicament. Most users are now a flat rate through online, as the handle is embarrassing moments of silence already routinely for mobile. It is difficult really, the miniature computer time to put it down. In the society is also still rude, but what works - and what does not? We have taken an expert on etiquette advice.

   Long live the smartphone! Thanks to this clever device we can out maneuver virtually any predicament. Most users are now a flat rate through online, as the handle is embarrassing moments of silence already routinely for mobile. It is difficult really, the miniature computer time to put it down. In the society is also still rude, but what works - and what does not? We have taken an expert on etiquette advice.

Among Friends

   "Courtesy is a token of our appreciation for our fellow man, our opponent and our counterparts," says the certified etiquette trainer Fulya sunshine. Since you are in the company of friends is in a relaxed atmosphere, at first there is nothing to the phone on the table to create or even to send a short message, "unless you know that your counterpart feels annoyed by this behavior!" Since you know your friends, you surely know how to tick Sun If you are unsure: Simple - politely - ask!
In a professional environment
Here are different rules, says the expert, "If we are in a social context, we need to distinguish between personal and business." During business lunches, you should tell your caller to give your undivided attention, has a mobile phone here not lost of course confirm. exceptions to the rule - you should be expecting an important call, you may terminate this at the outset.
Not an easy exercise: How to say "No"!

In Public

   "The general rule is: keep talking short and in a low voice," said Fulya sunshine It does not matter whether you are in a shop, a pub, or in the subway while it may not matter to you that your unknown.. . conversation noticed your personal problems or thoughts forcing people who are inadvertently within earshot will come, but not so well And your opposite one vorzuplaudern can quickly act disrespectful. "The phone at the cash register while you interact around with the cashier , is blatantly rude to stick on the market and should be avoided, "says Sunshine.

In Transit

   Bus or train rides can get bored pretty - there sells you take the time like with an SMS-chat, a game of Angry Birds or an exciting product on the phone. But how is that to the other passengers? "Playing with apps, browse the Internet in the underground ... If it bothers anyone and runs discreetly that is certainly very few people for a problem," is the assessment of the expert. Loud sounds, however, the roar through the headphones, should be avoided.

   That you are an Adult
"When romantic appointments it is pretty much the biggest turn-off, to engage with their smartphones with more than his date," says Fulya sunshine. Your object of desire is not to get the feeling that what is happening on the screen of your mobile phone more exciting than your conversation - or whatever else you plan together, the tip of the expert is:. "in romance mode mobile!".Read more...

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