Healthy Living

Health care is expensive, maybe the phrase we often hear, but is it true that healthy is expensive? Depending on where we react to it.

Expensive for people who are very sick, with medical care today the all-powerful all kinds of diseases will soon be in the know and given appropriate medication according to the type of the disease but it all comes at a relatively cheap not expensive alias.

Cheap, healthy people and always maintain their health by getting a healthy lifestyle with exercise diligent and pay attention to a healthy diet.

There are several things that affect health such as:


People living in urban been difficult to breathe fresh air, clean and healthy because of the fumes of motor vehicles and factories pollute the air every day or that we often hear the term Air Pollution. For those who live in urban very difficult to avoid the name of air pollution


Water as a source of living creatures have been contaminated with sewage plants intentionally or not is still a lot of factories factory waste into the river without being processed first, eventually the river that is also being polluted groundwater recharge, so that ground water should be feasible in consumption not be feasible because it was contaminated chemical wastes that are hazardous to health.


Fast food is very practical and tempting especially with ads so tempting and many variations that make them are busy with their activities prefer these foods regardless of how the nutritional content, the manufacturing process and the materials used for chemicals in food is not secret from dyes, flavorings and fragrances even food use chemical preservatives and other harmful materials. Vegetables, fruit and other staples also were contaminated pesticides harmful if taken for long periods will cause health problems and even other dangerous diseases, ranging from cancer, allergies and other degenerative diseases.

By getting a healthy lifestyle with exercise diligent, pay attention to a healthy diet, avoid eating that contain chemicals and other hazardous materials, and last but not least the importance of maintaining cleanliness.

Health it would be a cheap thing to always live a healthy life because it is not always expensive, always keeping health cherishes and be grateful for our health.

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